Feeling Overwhelmed by Amazon Seller Reports?

We take pride in our extensive expertise in working with Amazon sellers and understanding all the intricate specifications of their accounting and reporting requirements.

We do not rely on any integration software that can increase costs and potentially introduce errors. Instead, our team possesses in-depth knowledge of navigating the complex Amazon Seller Central platform, ensuring accurate and efficient financial analysis. Moreover, we extend our services to clients utilizing other popular e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, eBay, and more.

Rest assured that with us, your e-commerce business will receive comprehensive and tailored bookkeeping support.

Elevate Your E-Commerce Bookkeeping!

Here's what we offer:

Inside Your Customized Monthly Report:

Please note, this is just a glimpse of what we can offer. Your reports will be customized to align with your specific business model and needs.

  1. Summary: Visuals and tables showing your Amazon sales, returns, and a detailed comparison of your sales against returns.
  2. Average Sales & Orders: Insights into your order volume and sales averages.
  3. Monthly Sales: A month-by-month snapshot of your sales performance.
  4. Partners Account: A clear view of your partnership and joint venture finances.
  5. Monthly Expenses Comparison: Track how your monthly expenses stack up against each other.
  6. Yearly Expenses Comparison: An annual look at your spending to help spot trends.
  7. Real P&L: A Profit and Loss statement that reflects the true health of your business.
  8. Accounts Receivables: Organized details of what customers owe you.
  9. Accounts Payable Invoice Tracker: A tool to help you manage bills and payments efficiently.
  10. Sales-Returns-Advertising: Analysis of how these critical elements affect your financial status.

Rest assured, whatever your report includes, it will be tailored to give you the clearest picture of your financial standing and help drive strategic business decisions.

With Aventura Accounting LLC, take the guesswork out of your e-commerce finances and focus on growing your business.

how can we help you?

Contact us at by submitting an inquiry online.

We were drowning in inefficiencies. Aventura streamlined our bookkeeping, helping us reduce expenses and refocus on growth. They helped us identify where we were overpaying Amazon because of wrong data was initially submited. We were able to get reimbursement which we even didn’t plan for because we were unaware.

Sophia K.

My finances have never been this organized and efficient. Aventura saved me time and money, making my Amazon business run smoother. Their understanding of e-commerce is unmatched. Their attention to detail is commendable.

Alexandra R.

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